

Walkoff® is designed for use on unpainted surfaces, including brick, concrete, stone and other masonry. It is biodegradable and effective at removing of all types of spray paints, oil/latex/water-based paint, over-spray, paint spills, and stubborn oil stains.

What Surfaces can it be used on?

Walkoff® is designed for use on unpainted surfaces, including:

  • Brick
  • Concrete
  • Masonry
  • Exposed aggregate
  • Natural stone
  • Steel
  • Plastics
  • Glass or plexiglass
  • Wood fences
  • Composite decks

Don’t use it on these surfaces:

Painted surfaces, aluminum or powder coated surfaces

How to use it:

Using a bucket and brush, pump sprayer, or Watts Removal spray can, apply three coats of Walkoff® onto the surface at three minute intervals. Agitate between coats then rinse after the third coat. Do not rinse between coats.

The surface can be agitated with a deck brush between applications.After the third application, rinse with a pressure washer or garden hose.

Coverage Capacity:

One gallon removes approximately 200 square feet on concrete, brick, block or masonry. Approximately 80 square feet per gallon on sandstone, limestone or similar.

Larger sizes for this product are available. Please call or email regarding other sizes and shipping options.

See how easy it is to use Walkoff:



Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
C. Sloan
Great for Utility Marking Removals

We Use this product for our company and this has been the best product for what we need as we power wash/Remove alot of spay paint/ Utility markings for locates

Works like magic

After trying everything at Home Depot to remove graffiti from commercial buildings. This product was recommended to me and I’ve been using it ever since it works great. I’ve tried it on lots of different surfaces and it has been highly effective.

Mariana Trejo
I did not get the product

How could I contact customer service?

Hi Mariana - thank you for letting us know that you did not receive your package. I will reach out privately to assist with a resolution!

Jeff Jones
Didn’t receive

I don’t know how it got ordered and I never received the product.

Amazing Product

Removed the overspray and returned the concrete to the original look. Easy to use and will use again.